
Essential Minerals and Elements to help your brain and body Thrive as Nature intended.


Oceans Alive® Recharge

Oceans Alive® Recharge
This microalgae provides you with a wide array of vitamins, minerals, essential fatty acids and amino acids.
from $39.00 - Shop Now


Perfect K2D3

Perfect K2D3
Most people are deficient in vitamins K2 and D3. K2 and D3 are not easily bioavailable in the foods we eat. That’s why it’s important that you supplement the two vitamins for optimal health.
from $29.00 - Shop Now


Solaris 10 ml

Solaris 10 ml

This powerful blend combines super potent versions of Thyme, Rosemary, Plant-Based Eugenol, Peppermint, Clove Oil into one perfect blend.

from $39.00 - Shop Now